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TVM802A Plastic Feeder Tape Support. See the blog post here.
Made from PA12 Nylon.
Please pick which tape width you need this for.
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3D Systems Cube Gen 3 Wiper Holster.
Made from Nylon 12. OEM fit.
Sold as a set of 2 with free shipping via First Class USPS.
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3D Systems Cube Gen 3 Silicone Rubber Wiper Blade.
Sold as a lot of 4 (2 sets) with free shipping via First Class USPS.
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Juki Style nozzle holder custom made for the OpenPNP community. The holder does not come with any nozzles or motors.
The holder is 54.5mm long with a 5mm ID for NEMA style hollow shaft motors.
The holder operates via a spring loaded ball bearing system, similar to a compressor air chuck.
[add_to_cart item=”JUKIHOLDER” quantity=”user:1″ ]
Juki Nozzle Set. Set of 4 Juki style nozzles, for Juki holders or custom applications. Sizes are 503 504 505 506. No individual nozzles will be sold, only sets.
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K40-SmoothieLaser FFC Breakout PCB. This board allows the use of SmoothieBoard or RAMPS on a (Ebay) China K40 type laser, with a FFC (Flat Ribbon Cable).
You can get just the board or with an un-soldered components kit.
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